THAI simulation font =
THAI looking English alphabet
THAILAND-Style font.
SIAMESE look-alike free faux
THAI FONT with English (Latin Alphabet) characters:
"AW_Siam English not Thai"
English not Thai
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
1234567890 äöüß ÄÖÜ €
I saw a sign in the movie street fighter (van Damme) that looked like written with a typical THAI FONT (แบบอักษรไทย) but when I had a closer look,
the signs were written in English (Latin) alphabet characters. That was exactly what I needed for my
Thai ladies personals website : A font that seems to be
written in THAI but everybody can read it (apart from
;-) No one had it so I made it. And this is it. I guess I'd have to class this as an unfinished
version as some characters should have a lot more attention but for now I was more interested in
some of the other stuff.
Thanks to Jos Flachs in Bangkok for his expert suggestions. Without him, the font would be half as
Cheers to Aleksey Kuritsin for designing the Russian letters and the numbers.
Andreas Weygandt
Windows: To install, simply download and copy the
TrueType )
file to the windows fonts folder C:\WINDOWS\FONTS
Make sure that the kerning is on - in MS Word default is off.
Postscript Font
: When you use postscript fonts you know how to install them
Mac:When you have downloaded the file, simply drag
it to the folder Macintosh HD/Library/Fonts. That is all!
Thanks to Jan de Bloois in Hoek van Holland
To remove simply delete the AW_Siam.ttf
file from the C:\WINDOWS\FONTS folder,
but why you want to do this is beyond my comprehension.
Thais can't read it ;-)
(No, this font is not in Thai language, it is just a wannabe foreign font imitating Thai character
V 1.00 Spanish ñ
V 0.99i Improved iJ . Thanks to Hardy in THAILAND
V 0.99h Improved bdpqgwiWNI . Thanks to Hardy in THAILAND
V 0.99g € added,
Creative Commons Licence: Attribution-ShareAlike
V 0.99f Better kerning, new authentic UHO . Thanks to
V 0.99c Numbers 1234567890 made by Алексей Курицын -
V 0.99 better bdJLGmOopqRwxX
V 0.32 Better spacing
V 0.31 Minor changes
V 0.30 Real small caps (still ugly, better use the upper caps)
V 0.21 Fine tuning, spacing, kerning, letters replaced
V 0.1c Letters replaced
V 0.1b Some letters replaced, tweaked, German Umlaute äöüÄÖÜß
V 0.1a All letters the same height, some letters replaced, tweaked
V 0.1 (1999) I made it! The ugly raw version (one evening's work)
Fine tuning
Set Panose and the many many other parameters in the font file
Convert to OpenType Unicode Font including real Thai and Russian characters
Tell me!
Characters borrowed, twisted and tweaked from the
DB ThaiText
font (230%)
Em square 1000
Ascent 800
Descent -200
Line width 100
Small letters size 70 % -> weight +35 em units
For more fancy oriental fonts click here
This font is licensed under a
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany License .
Renaming, rebranding or selling this font is not permitted and considered
unfair use. You may convert the font for systems like OTF, Mac, Linux,
OS/2... as long as you send me a copy.
The font is provided as is. The author takes no responsibility for any
damage that is done to your system thru it's use. It works fine for me!
If it doesn't for you, it ain't my fault! No copyright infringement is
If you like and use it, send
an email to:
and show me what you made with the AW_Siam Thaifont.
Sounds impressive doesn't it? Well it was! (Hey I was impressed at the time)